Have you ever looked around your neighborhood or school and wondered how you could make a change for the better? Taking a Journey towards earning the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn—gives you the chance to show that you are a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to improving your community. Earning the award puts you among an exceptional group of girls who have used their knowledge and leadership skills to make a difference in the world.
Important Steps:
1. Download the Silver Award booklet and read it thoroughly before you start. (Note: Girls may complete any Cadette Leadership Journey as a prerequisite for the award).
2. Contact your Membership Associate to discuss your Silver Award Take Action Project idea.
3. Finish the Take Action Project and submit the signed Final Report before the girls become Girl Scout Seniors or before they begin 9th grade.
4. After you complete the Silver Award Take Action Project, ask your Membership Associate to approve and sign your Final Report.
5. Mail your Final Report to Girl Scouts Heart of Pennsylvania, Program Department, 350 Hale Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17104.
6. Include payment if you would like to purchase your Silver award pins at the same time. Pins are no longer available in retail locations because you must seek award approval before purchasing them.
We are glad you decided to take the journey to earn your Girl Scout Silver Award. If you need help along the way, call 800.692.7816.