The Volunteer Recognition Committee
About the Committee
GSHPA Board of Directors established the Council Volunteer Recognition Committee of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania to review and approve nominations for national and council awards.
Composition of Committee
Committee appointments are made for one-year terms by the President/Chair of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania and are approved by the Board of Directors. The maximum length of consecutive years of service for an individual member is six years, but an individual may be appointed again to the committee after an absence of at least one year. The panel is composed of a chairperson, committee members representing all parts of the council, and a staff advisor.
A quorum must be present to conduct business. A quorum consists of more than half of the voting members. The count of voting members may include absent committee members who have submitted (in advance) decisions on nominations. All committee members (except the staff advisor) are full voting members.
Ways of Work The committee establishes a schedule of meetings during the year for the upcoming year. Nominations (and endorsements) are submitted to the Volunteer Recognition Committee at GSHPA's Harrisburg Area Service Center. Items must be postmarked no later than October 31.
A nominating packet consists of a completed application, plus the required number of endorsements. Email endorsements may be submitted with the packet by the principal nominator provided the email bears the return address of the endorser. When there is availability of online applications, they may be used. Information will be posted on the Web site.
Discussion of all nominations is open at committee meetings, but said discussion must remain confidential within the committee. Decisions are by a majority of those in attendance, providing that the quorum rule has been met.
A list of recommended nominations is submitted to the Board of Directors for approval prior to the event where recognitions are presented. Following approval, letters are sent to the nominee and/or the nominator informing them of an award that will be made at the council recognition event. It is the nominator's responsibility to encourage the awardee to attend the event. Information regarding the specific award is not shared with either the nominee or nominator.
Committee members will conduct Girl Scout Community mini-trainings on Volunteer Recognition and Nomination Procedures. Contact Shelly Sprenkle at 1.800.692.7816 or
Annual Recognition Event
The committee participates in the planning of the annual council recognition event(s).
Click here to view the 2015 Volunteer Recognition Awards.
Questions and Comments
Please contact the Membership Associate in your region at 800.692.7816.