Volunteer Management System
Recruit and Engage
- Adult expresses interest in volunteering
- Volunteer options are shared with interested adult
Gather Information
- Membership Registration completed
- Application for Volunteer Services completed
- Volunteer Disclosure and Authorization (i.e. Criminal Background Clearance form) completed
Screen and Interview
- Application is reviewed
- Background clearance screening conducted
- GSHPA staff member discusses available and appropriate volunteer position placement options
- An adult who is a currently registered member, with a clear background clearance may be appointed to a volunteer role by staff advisor
- Upon appointment volunteer receives official appointment notice, copy of volunteer position description and a Volunteer Agreement
Prepare and Support
- Volunteer Orientation completed
- Volunteer receives assistance in becoming established in her/his role
- Volunteer receives on-going support and encouragement from GSHPA staff member(s) throughout their term
- Volunteer meets with staff advisor a minimum of two (2) times during term
Recognize Contributions
- Volunteer receives on-going appreciation during their term
Assess and Reengage
- Volunteer completes Volunteer Performance Evaluation
- At the end of a term, volunteer meets with staff advisor to discuss interest in continuing in position or another position