Welcome to the 2015 Girl Scout Cookie Program at Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania!
The Girl Scout Cookie Program at GSHPA takes place from December 24, 2014 to March 22, 2015.
Are you a Girl Scout Volunteer? Click here for a list of dates and deadlines for the 2015 Cookie Program.
Did you know that the Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led enterprise in the country? The Cookie Program engages girls with five key skills they will use throughout their lives:
1. Goal Setting
2. Decision Making
3. Money Management
4. People Skills
5. Business Ethics
When a Girl Scout sells you cookies, she’s doing more than just handing you a box. She’s creating a plan, interacting with customers and working as part of a team. She’s building a lifetime of skills and confidence.
The Cookie Program also empowers a girl with the strength, abilities and drive to become an accomplished woman who benefits herself, her family and the world.
All of the proceeds—every penny—from GSHPA's Cookie Program remains in our 30-counties where the cookies are sold. This revenue is used to benefit girls. Some of it directly by remaining in the Girl Scout troop/group treasury and some of it indirectly by subsidizing the cost of providing the Girl Scout program in the local area.