Introduction to Safety Activity Checkpoints
When preparing for any activity with girls, always begin with the Safety Activity Checkpoints written specifically for that particular activity. This introduction provides an overview of the format of each set of checkpoints. Note: In addition to reading these checkpoints yourself, you can also e-mail to or print them for co-volunteers, parents/guardians, and girls.
Know where to do the activity. Quick list of the most common places girls carry out the activity Include girls with disabilities. Tips and special Web sites for information on including girls with disabilities
Basic Gear includes clothing and equipment girls are likely to already have in their possession. Specialized Gear includes clothing and equipment girls may need to purchase, rent, or borrow.
These checkpoints discuss steps to take in advance of the activity. Not every category is listed here, and not every activity includes these categories.
- Communicate with council and parents. Tips for following council guidelines and keeping parents informed
- Ensure prerequisites. Ranges from an ability to swim to knowledge of primitive camping
- Arrange for transportation and adult supervision. Recommended adult-to-girl ratios for this activity
- Verify instructor knowledge and experience. Ensuring the volunteers or on-site instructors possess the proper skill set, knowledge, experience, and/or training/certification
- Select a safe site. A game plan for ensuring the safest experience possible
- Compile key contacts. Information on itineraries, phone trees, and other contact information
- Respect the environment. Tips for ensuring environmental responsibility
- Prepare for emergencies. First-aider requirements and other emergency precautions
These checkpoints include important final reminders on the day of the activity. Not every category is listed here, and not every activity includes these categories.
- Get a weather report. Ways to monitor the weather for any outdoor activity and/or activity requiring transportation
- Review rescue tips. Activity-specific rescue tips
- Use the buddy system. The best way to ensure no one is separated from the group or unable to get help
- Be prepared in the event of a storm with lightning.Special details for outdoor warm-weather activities
Links guide you to the best-known and best-respected Web sites.
Know-How for Girls offers games, mini-lessons, and other fun ways to expand girls’ knowledge.
Jargon helps you and the girls master activity-specific terminology.
Click on the links below to see each activity's specific Safety Activity Checkpoints. Activities are listed alphabetically at the bottom.
Water Sports
Land Sports
Camping Activities
Other Activities
Alphabetical List
* You can download the entire Safety Activity Checkpoints list by clicking here.